viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

Sustainable Development

1.Sustainable development.
The sustainable development uses in a responsible way the natural resources without wasting them, so it produces a bvalanace between the human activity and the environment impact.
I think this is very important in order to improve our environment. For example: if we spend too much wood from the trees, animals will become extinct.
2.Reduce, reuse and recycle.
These are yhe three ´´R``.
Reduce means that we have to minimize the consume of things wich pollute our environment. Try to waste and use less things, just what is necessary.
Reuse means to use again. We have to use things as many time as we can, not to throw them to the ben when we only use them once. The more things we can reuse, the less energy is spent making nex ones.
Recycle means to throw the same materials together in the same containers in order to be able to clean them and prepare them to be used again.
3.Renewable and non-renewble energies.
Renewable energies are the energies that won´t ran out, like sunlight, water or wind. They are energies that we can use as many time as we want.
Non- renewable energies are the ones that will run out, like petroleum, coal. oil, natural gas, etc...
4.Different kinds of energy.
Energy can manifest in different ways: in form of movement, heat, electricity, electromagnetic radiation.....
There are many tipes of enerhies, but the most important ones are: chemical, nuclear, sound, thermal or calorific, mechanical, hydraulic, electrical, electromagnetic, wind, etc....
5.Types of wastes and residues.
All the human activities produce wastes and residues: household, agriculture...... Homewever the amount and nature of the wastes are very different depending on the origin.
There are many types of wastes that make our planet too ugly.
Is a comunity of plants, animals and smaller organisms that live, feed, reproduce in the same area or environment. Some ecosystems are very large. For example, many bird species nest in one place and feed in a completly different area.
Is something you are very familiar with. It´s everything that makes up our surroundings and affects our ability to live on the earth - the air breathe, the water that covers most of the earth´s surface, the plants and animals around us, and much more.


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